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Stretches for Hip and Leg Pain
The gluteus minimus and piriformis muscles commonly cause pain and other symptoms in the hip and leg, especially after unusual exertion or prolonged sitting. This video demonstrates simple stretches for these muscles to ease many literal pains in the butt (sadly, figurative pains in the butt usually remain).
Simple Exercises for Common Hand Problems
This is a video I made some years back, but still remains useful for those with common hand complaints. The website referenced at the bottom of the screen is no longer active – it’s been replaced with this site.
Neck Exercises to Help Forward Head Posture
These few basic, yet effective exercises can be very beneficial for people with forward head posture and anyone who frequently works with their head down or forward, such as with computer use, or looking at one’s phone.
A Simple Tip To Enhance Your Abdominal Exercises
Regardless of what exercises you may be doing to strengthen your core abdominal muscles, there’s a simple way to enhance the effect of those exercises and save you time as well. The basic idea is to contract your abdominal muscles (pull your gut in) before you begin the actual exercise. By pre-tensioning the muscles, you’ll…
Do It Yourself Knee Pain Relief
This is a simple method you can use to reduce knee pain associated with “knots” around the knee cap and mild to moderate arthritic symptoms. It should not be used if you have recent damage to the ligaments, tendons, or other internal structures of the knee joint, but it can make your knees feel a…