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I’m Here to Serve You, Not to Sell You.


I’m George Best, and I’ve been a Doctor of Chiropractic and holistic health practitioner in San Antonio, Texas for about 30 years now.

I’m not sure how that 30 year part can possibly be true, but I have done the math and it does check out!

In setting up this website I wanted to come up with a short slogan that reflected how I view my practice and my relationship with my patients.

After coming up with a lot of slogan-y things that might have sounded good, but didn’t really resonate with me, I remembered a thought I had years ago when I was involved with a practice management group that was very sales-y in their approach to practice building – I didn’t go to chiropractic school to become a high-pressure salesman.

I’m here to serve you, not to sell you.

Whether or not you become my patient, I will do my best to help you.

With that in mind, I practice a bit differently from most chiropractors, so I want to give you a brief introduction to my practice so you’ll have a better idea if I’m a good fit for what you’re looking for.

First, I do a pretty targeted evaluation and, assuming I think I can help you and you’re ready, I usually start treatment on day one.

I don’t see the need to spread out my report of findings over multiple days to try to sell you on a prolonged treatment plan before you even know if you like me and my style of treatment.

While we do have digital X-ray available in the office, I don’t usually require it to begin treatment unless there are red flags in your history or examination, or if you happen to want to be X-rayed for your own peace of mind.

I also refer out for MRI, CT, and other imaging when clinically indicated.

With regards to treatment, I use a variety of chiropractic adjusting techniques, from gentle low-force methods to the more traditional adjustments with my hands that usually elicit cracks and pops.

Having multiple techniques in my chiropractic “toolbox” allows me to  tailor my technique to your needs and comfort level.  There’s more information about my adjusting techniques available through the site menu.

Probably where I differ the most from the majority of chiropractors is that I usually incorporate various massage and soft-tissue release methods, and sometimes various “energy medicine” techniques into my treatments.

You can learn more about these methods through through the links in my website menu as well.

Whereas most chiropractors might spend a few minutes doing an adjustment and then hand you over to an assistant to do some type of therapy, I take a much more hands-on approach.

I usually spend 20 to 30 minutes personally working on my patients and I have found this more in-depth approach allows me to help my patients recover faster and with fewer visits. 

While I do often recommend exercises and other home treatments, I try to keep your “homework” as simple as possible. For example, I try to limit my exercise recommendations to one or two really effective ones for a given problem.

In my experience, keeping it simple makes it more likely that you’ll actually do and benefit from your home treatment long-term.

While some people are motivated to do more, I’ve found that in most cases, a big list of exercises and home care will get about as much use as that exercise equipment people buy and wind up hanging their laundry on.

Not that you would do anything like that! 

That about covers it for this introduction. There’s more about my practice you can access through the site menu if you’re interested, and my Health Tips blog has a variety of information, including exercises, nutrition, stress-management and more.

I hope you find it helpful!